
Recover uncommitted files after using git reset --hard

Sometimes we have an existing folder, ‘git init’ and ‘git add .’ ready to commit.

Then we realize some unnecessary files have been added.

In this situation, usually using ‘git reset –soft’ to reset the stage status.

BUT we might use ‘git reset –hard’ by accident…

Some articles said we can use ‘git reflog’ to find out the lost commits.

However, because our git repo is the initialed one without any commit so reflog might be useless.

If using ‘git reset –hard’ at very beginning then want to rescue files back, this article might be help.


Assume that we have a folder Experiment and there is 3 files inside. Which is Demo1.txt Demo2.txt ApiController.cs


  • Using

    git init 

  • Using

    git add .

  • Using

    git reset --hard 
    for demo and we can see those files are gone.

  • Using

    git reflog 
    then realize does not have any commit

So how do we rescue the files?

First : Collect all dangling files to lost-found folders

We can collect all dangling files by this command

git fsck --lost-found 

After that, it’ll show those dangling files. Go to .git/lost-found/other

Second : Grep the keyword from those dangling files

Using grep command to search the keyword. EX : grep -rw “Demo1”

So we can make sure 85002821eb3812840…. is the Demo1.txt

We can gerp ApiController, too.

Third : Copy to the original folder and rename it

Finally, just copy those files to the original path and rename it, and Bob’s your uncle.
